Welcome to VVIP Lab

VVIP Lab (Vertically-integrated VLSI information processing lab) aims to research energy- and latency-efficient integrated circuits, architectures, and systems for machine learning and signal processing algorithms by leveraging non-von Neumann approaches including in-memory computing, in-sensor computing, and neuromorphic computing with both CMOS and emerging devices.

[Update] New paper accepted in JXCDC. Congratulations, Keming and Ashkan !

[Update] New paper accepted in ESSERC24 (former ESSCIRC). Congratulations, Ashkan !

[Update] New paper accepted in ESSERC24 (former ESSCIRC). Congratulations, Chang Eun and Keming !

[Update] New paper accepted in ISLPED24. Congratulations, Chang Eun and Ashkan !

[Update] Prof. Kang won "2024 Hellman Fellow Award". 

[Update] New paper accepted in DAC24. Congratulations, Zihan !

[Update] VVIPLab joins DARPA & SRC-funded JUMP2.0 PRISM center ! 

[Update] Best paper award (Silver Prize) in ICEIC 2024 !

[Update] New paper accepted in CICC24. Congratulations, Chang Eun and Yidong ! 

[Update] New paper accepted in JSSC. Congratulations, Sadhana & Yugandhar & Yidong ! 

[Update] New paper accepted in CICC23. Congratulations, Sadhana & Yugandhar & Yidong !

[Update] Prof. Kang won "INTEL 2022 Rising Star Award".

[Update] New paper accepted in MICRO22. Congratulations, Ashkan and Zheng !

[Update] New paper accepted in ISCA22. Congratulations, Zheng !

UCSD Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) Department